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Banger Supply Quartz Slurpers

From Denver, CO Banger Supply makes some of the highest quality dabbing quartz on the market at competitive prices. They feature unique banger designs such as the Mini Globstopper which maximizes surface area for super efficient dabs.
Loading image: These are Hollow Quartz Pillars from Banger Supply available at Ritual Colorado. The high quality quartz dabbing inserts feautre a hollow inside which you can fill with concentrates or just use to get more surface area inside your banger. Available in 20mm, 25mm and 30mm lengths and 4mm, 5mm and 6mm diameters there is an option for any banger. These are Hollow Quartz Pillars from Banger Supply available at Ritual Colorado. The high quality quartz dabbing inserts feautre a hollow inside which you can fill with concentrates or just use to get more surface area inside your banger. Available in 20mm, 25mm and 30mm lengths and 4mm, 5mm and 6mm diameters there is an option for any banger.

Premium quartz bangers and accessories in modern styles

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