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What are Gravity Bongs and How Do They Work?

What are Gravity Bongs and How Do They Work?

Gravity bongs explained for beginners!

They might sound overly complicated and scientific, but in reality, gravity bongs are pretty simple. Also known as a GB, geeb or bucket bong, gravity bongs utilize water and pressure to pull smoke and vapor from dry herbs.

For a lot of us, bucket bongs or GBs were often hastily made homemade devices we enjoyed at home in a pinch or with friends at a party. Typically involving a large milk carton and a bucket or anything else convenient lying around, they were a DIY solution to a problem, but times have changed, and the gravity bong has finally had the makeover it deserves.

The origin of gravity bongs, like the inventor, may be unknown. Still, there’s no denying their popularity continues to grow, especially with premium gravity bongs like the Gravitron by US company Grav and the Deco by NWTN Home entering the glassware market.

What Is A Gravity Bong?

A gravity bong typically comprises two main components: a large cylinder, which holds the liquid, and a secondary cylinder, which is lifted up, forcing water and gravity to draw air down through the chamber.

The main advantage of gravity bongs is that they provide users with a much larger hit than a regular bong would and can be a fun way to enjoy your favorite dry herbs in social situations with friends. However, if you’re new to enjoying cannabis, bongs, and smoking in particular, take your time with gravity bongs and start by loading smaller amounts of dry herbs.

Gravity bongs are notorious for producing larger hits of more concentrated smoke or vapor. Bigger hits, more concentrated hits, and faster hits with smoke entering the lungs faster means that you’ll get a lot higher in a shorter amount of time than regular devices. So, pace yourself. Low and slow until you get used to it, and you’ll be fine.

How Do Gravity Bongs Work?

The first thing you’ll want to do is fill the outer cylinder of your gravity bong with water. Most people start around the halfway mark, and from there, you can adjust the water level to suit your personal preference. Once you're comfortable, we like to fill as much as possible, maximizing the pressure you generate.

Next, slide the inner cylinder down, but ensure that you don’t fill the bowl or chamber until the inner cylinder has been fully inserted into the outer chamber. Its a classic geeb starter move to blow your bowl all over the room because you loaded before inserting. Now, it’s time to fill your bowl with your favorite dry herb, and you’re ready to start.

Apply heat using a lighter or torch to the bowl containing your dry herb, and slowly lift the inner cylinder out of the water, but don’t remove it entirely from the water, or all the smoke or vapor will get out. You can also connect your favorite dry herb vaporizer to the 14mm connection for a vaporized GB session.

When you’re ready, remove the bowl or chamber, put your mouth over the mouthpiece or opening, and slowly allow the inner chamber to descend back into the water while you inhale. The faster you do it, the bigger the hit and the quicker the smoke or vapor will enter your lungs.

Regular Bongs Versus Gravity Bongs

While both bongs involve water, the two use water in different ways. Gravity bongs utilize water pressure to draw the smoke into the chamber, but the smoke or vapor doesn’t pass through the water.

When you use a traditional bong or water pipe, you inhale on the mouthpiece, drawing the smoke or vapor down the stem and through the water, where it’s cooled and filtered before you inhale it.

Gravity Bongs | Reimagining the Classics

There’s just something cool about bucket bongs or gravity bongs, especially when you’re enjoying your favorite dry herbs with a group of friends, but we’ve come a long way since we had to use plastic buckets and orange juice containers.

Premium gravity bongs like the Gravitron by US company Grav and the Deco by NWTN Home are made of premium borosilicate glass for added durability and ease of cleaning, not to mention they just look cool. They also feature 14mm or 19mm connections for easy pairing with your dry herb vapes. If you want a fantastic throwback edition to your bong collection or just want to try a gravity bong for yourself, the Gravitron and Deco are 100% worth checking out.

If you would like to learn more about the cannabis products and accessories that we stock here at Ritual Colorado or have questions for our experienced team, please don’t hesitate to reach out and contact us directly.

Our friendly and professional canna-sumption experts would be more than happy to assist you with your next cannabis accessory purchase. Life is about living, so live it to the fullest and take your next session up a level with high-quality cannabis accessories. Ritual Colorado is a one-stop shop for dry herb vaporization, dab, glass, and accessory needs.

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