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Black Label Glass, Metal, Ceramic Cleaner

Regular price $10.00

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Randy's Black Label Smokeware Cleaner is a powerful cleaning solution with an abrasive included for getting rid of the most difficult messes. We use it when a piece is fully gunked up and are consistently impressed by its ability to dissolve resin and goo.

Black Label Cleaner is flammable, make sure you are cleaning in a well ventilated space. We apologize for any inconvenience, but we are unable to ship Black Label Cleaner outside of the U.S. at this time.

What's Included:

  • Randy's Black Label Glass, Metal, Ceramic Cleaner

How to Use:

  • For smaller items: Put item in container or plastic bag. For larger items: Add the cleaner directly into piece
  • Pour 1-2 oz. of Black Label Smokeware Cleaner into container, plastic bag or piece
  • Shake & swirl for 1 minute or more if it's really dirty
  • Let soak 4-6 minutes until item is clean. Extremely dirty pieces may require additional soaking. Carefully discard debris
  • Thoroughly wash hands and all items in contact with Black Label Cleaner with soap and warm water
  • Enjoy your like-new glass & accessories

Devices sold at Ritual are designed and intended to be used with legal dry herbal blends. Products sold at Ritual are not designed or sold for use with tobacco, nicotine products, or as a tobacco substitute. Devices will not function with e-liquids, nicotine replacement products, or aromatherapy oils and use of a liquid in devices sold at Ritual will damage the device rendering it unusable.

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