Black Label Glass, Metal, Ceramic Cleaner
Randy's Black Label Smokeware Cleaner is a powerful cleaning solution with an abrasive included for getting rid of the most difficult messes. We use it when a piece is fully gunked up and are consistently impressed by its ability to dissolve resin and goo.
Black Label Cleaner is flammable, make sure you are cleaning in a well ventilated space. We apologize for any inconvenience, but we are unable to ship Black Label Cleaner outside of the U.S. at this time.
What's Included:
- Randy's Black Label Glass, Metal, Ceramic Cleaner
How to Use:
- For smaller items: Put item in container or plastic bag. For larger items: Add the cleaner directly into piece
- Pour 1-2 oz. of Black Label Smokeware Cleaner into container, plastic bag or piece
- Shake & swirl for 1 minute or more if it's really dirty
- Let soak 4-6 minutes until item is clean. Extremely dirty pieces may require additional soaking. Carefully discard debris
- Thoroughly wash hands and all items in contact with Black Label Cleaner with soap and warm water
- Enjoy your like-new glass & accessories
Los dispositivos vendidos en Ritual están diseñados y destinados a usarse con mezclas legales de hierbas secas. Los productos vendidos en Ritual no están diseñados ni vendidos para su uso con tabaco, productos de nicotina o como sustituto del tabaco. Los dispositivos no funcionarán con líquidos electrónicos, productos de reemplazo de nicotina o aceites de aromaterapia y el uso de un líquido en dispositivos vendidos en Ritual dañará el dispositivo y lo dejará inservible.