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This is the Staroma 360 DIY Kit from QaromaShop available at Ritual. A revolutionary ball vaporizer the Staroma 360 provides conduction and convection heating for incredibly efficient extraction. Don't miss out on this revolutionary device from QaromaShop! This is the Staroma 360 DIY Kit from QaromaShop available at Ritual. A revolutionary ball vaporizer the Staroma 360 provides conduction and convection heating for incredibly efficient extraction. Don't miss out on this revolutionary device from QaromaShop!

Staroma 360 DIY-Kit


$378.00 $425.00

This is the Baroma XL DIY Kit from QaromaShop available at Ritual. Featuring a digital PID temperature controller, 30mm heater coil, StabWood coil handle, brass XL bowl, 3mm aroma ruby pearls (x4), 25.4mm stainless steel screens, stainless steel scoop tool, Baroma XL Housing, and a Suet Jade Porcelain Stand. This powerful XL ball vaporizer is strong enough for any tolerance. This is the Baroma XL DIY Kit from QaromaShop available at Ritual. Featuring a digital PID temperature controller, 30mm heater coil, StabWood coil handle, brass XL bowl, 3mm aroma ruby pearls (x4), 25.4mm stainless steel screens, stainless steel scoop tool, Baroma XL Housing, and a Suet Jade Porcelain Stand. This powerful XL ball vaporizer is strong enough for any tolerance.

Baroma XL-Bausatz



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