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Normaler Preis $20.00

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Dieses Premium-Reise-Dab-Werkzeugset enthält fünf verbesserte Werkzeuge für Ihre perfekte Dabbing-Routine unterwegs. Die doppelseitigen Werkzeuge sind einfach zu handhaben und verfügen über eine Vielzahl geformter Enden, die sich perfekt für alle Konzentratkonsistenzen eignen. Diese hochwertigen Werkzeuge bestehen aus eloxiertem Edelstahl in einem wunderschönen Regenbogen-Ölteppichmuster und werden Ihnen viele Jahre lang Freude bereiten. Enthält einen Silikonbehälter zur Aufbewahrung Ihres Konzentrats, während Sie unterwegs sind.

Was ist inbegriffen:

  • Premium Dab Tools x5 (Rainbow Oil Slick)
  • Silikonkonzentratbehälter
  • Mit schützendem Schaumstoff ausgekleidetes Metall-Reiseetui

What is Included in the Dab Tool Kit?

Our premium all-in-one dab tool kit is meticulously assembled to ensure you have everything necessary for a seamless dabbing experience. Each kit includes a high-quality dabber, designed for precise and safe handling. We've also included a dab container, perfect for keeping your dabbing area clean and your concentrates secure. Add our E-nail dab rig to your set up for precise temperature control! 

The dab tool kit further comprises a convenient dab dish, which serves as an ideal surface for preparing and handling your dabs. A specialized cleaner is included, ensuring that maintaining the cleanliness of your tools is as effortless as using them. In addition, the kit comes with a handy holder, keeping your tools organized and easily accessible.

Travel Dab Tool Set for On-the-Go Dabbing

For dabbing enthusiasts who are always on the move, our travel dab tool kit and electric dab heater are the ultimate solution. It's portable, compact, and encased in a durable case that protects your tools while you're on the go. The set includes all the essentials, ensuring you don’t have to compromise on your dabbing experience, no matter where you are. It's an ideal set for vacations, road trips, or even just a day out.

In addition to being convenient, the travel dab tool kit is designed with discretion in mind. Its sleek design doesn't draw unnecessary attention, making it a perfect companion for discreet dabbing. Despite its compact size, the kit doesn't sacrifice the quality or functionality of the tools.

How Can Our Dab Tool Kit Benefit You?

Our dab tool kit is a game-changer for anyone who enjoys dabbing. It's an all-in-one solution that eliminates the hassle of sourcing individual tools. The kit ensures that you have the best tools at your fingertips, enhancing the efficiency and pleasure of your dabbing sessions. Every component is designed to work seamlessly together, providing a cohesive and enjoyable experience.

Beyond the convenience of having all the necessary tools in one set, our dab tool kit also guarantees top-quality materials and craftsmanship. This means longer-lasting tools that maintain their performance over time. The inclusion of cleaning tools ensures easy maintenance, helping to extend the lifespan of your dab tools. With our kit, you’re investing in a durable and reliable dabbing companion.

Explore Our Dab Tool Kit Today

Ready to take your dabbing to the next level? Explore ourdab tool today and discover the convenience, quality, and efficiency it can bring to your dabbing routine. Whether you’re dabbing at home or on the go, our kit is designed to cater to your needs.

Don't forget to check out our other essentials like the versatilescorch torch for sale. At Ritual Colorado, we are committed to providing you with the highest-quality dabbing tools. Elevate your dabbing today with our carefully curated products.

Die bei Ritual verkauften Geräte sind für die Verwendung mit legalen trockenen Kräutermischungen konzipiert und vorgesehen. Bei Ritual verkaufte Produkte sind nicht für die Verwendung mit Tabak, Nikotinprodukten oder als Tabakersatz konzipiert oder verkauft. Geräte funktionieren nicht mit E-Liquids, Nikotinersatzprodukten oder Aromatherapieölen und die Verwendung einer Flüssigkeit in Geräten, die bei Ritual verkauft werden, führt zu Schäden am Gerät und macht es unbrauchbar.

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