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It's All About Heating, Not Burning

It's All About Heating, Not Burning

Switching from traditional smoking to vaping has not only gained popularity but it’s also unlocked new possibilities.

Heat-not-burn technology has been steadily gaining popularity within the cannabis community as an effective and economical way to enjoy your favorite dry herbs. Not only do you get to experience your favorite strain’s complete flavor profile, but it is also cleaner and healthier for you at the same time.

If you’re new to the dry herb vaporization scene, read Intro to Dry Herb Vaporization, in which we discuss everything you need to know about vaping your favorite dry herbs and taking advantage of the available heat-not-burn technology.

What Does Heat-Not-Burn Mean, and Why Should You Care?

To put it simply, heat-not-burn technology utilizes either conduction or convection heating to heat your dry herb to an optimal temperature range where active ingredients such as cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids are released. Instead of the plant material being burned, it’s vaporized.

The key to heat-not-burn technology is heating while avoiding any combustion.

Thermal extraction is significantly more efficient in terms of material consumption, meaning the amount of flower you consume monthly can realistically drop 30-50% while still experiencing great session highs.” – Patrick Bitting, CEO of Ritual Colorado.

Traditional smoking methods, including pipes, bongs, and joints, all rely on combustion, where the plant material is burned at extremely high temperatures. While this does release the desired active ingredients, albeit at a reduced amount because of material lost to combustion, it also releases dangerous byproducts such as tar.

Heat-not-burn lets you release the active ingredients at optimal temperatures, giving you a fantastic experience without any smoke.

The Benefits of Heating Dry Herb Vs. Burning It

  • A Healthier Alternative to Smoking – When you avoid combustion, you’re significantly reducing your intake of dangerous chemicals and carcinogens associated with smoking. By vaping, you’re not only getting a better experience, but it’s better for your lungs and provides a smoother experience.
  • A Flavorful Experience – When you burn your dry herb, you also burn many terpenes responsible for flavor and aroma. Using heat-not-burn vaporization prevents the loss of these terpenes, and you’ll experience a more flavorful session because of it.
  • It’s More Efficient – Vaping provides a more efficient extraction method than traditional smoking. You’ll lose less of your active ingredients to combustion, allowing you to have a better overall experience and use less plant material.
  • Convenient and Discreet – Because you’re not burning the plant material, there’s no combustion, which means no smoke and less odor. Vaping allows you to enjoy your favorite dry herbs with fewer lingering smells and without drawing more attention to yourself.

How Does Vaporization and Heat-Not-Burn Technology Work?

There are two main types of vaporization devices, conduction and convection.

Convection vaporizers utilize heated air pushed through the dry herb, heating it to an optimal temperature and releasing the active ingredients. Conduction vaporizers utilize a container loaded with your dry herb and heated. Contact between the container and the plant material heats it to the optimal temperature and releases the active ingredients.

Both heating methods heat the plant material to a desired temperature, enough to release the active ingredients but not so much that your dry herb combusts. There are also a fair amount of dry herb vaporizers that utilize both convection and conduction technology and we don't expect the experimentation to slow down any time soon.

The Future of Vaporization Is Bright

There’s definitely a movement towards healthier alternatives to smoking dry herbs fuelled by a desire of consumers to have a healthier and more flavorful experience from their dry herbs.

As the technology improves, vaping enthusiasts can expect to see more temperature control, advanced flavor and cannabinoid extraction methods, and smaller devices that are more reliable and deliver a superior session.

If you would like to learn more about the cannabis products and accessories that we stock here at Ritual Colorado, including our range of dry herb vapes, or have questions for our experienced team, please don’t hesitate to reach out and contact us directly.

Our friendly and professional canna-sumption experts would be more than happy to assist you with your next cannabis accessory purchase. Life is about living, so live it to the fullest and take your next session up a level with high-quality cannabis accessories. Ritual Colorado is a one-stop shop for dry herb vaporization, dab, glass, and accessory needs.

Heat-Not-Burn Vaping FAQs

  1. Why is heat-not-burn different from smoking? – When you heat your plant material using a vaporizer, the active ingredients, such as cannabinoids, flavonoids, and terpenes, are heated to the point of release but below the point of combustion.
  2. What are the benefits of vaporization? – There are several benefits to vaping, including a smoother experience, increased flavor, fewer toxins, and more efficient use of your dry herb.
  3. Is vaping healthier than smoking? – When you use a vaporizer, you’re heating the plant material, not burning it, which avoids combustion and smoke, as well as the dangerous toxins and tars associated with it.


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